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Anyone can participate in the Droplet project, revolutionizing the world as we know it. We are creating technologies and applications out of community demand.


Droplet is a decentralized cryptocurrency. With Droplet, everyone has a voice that is immutable. Droplet can't be controlled or regulated.


Using Droplet is totally anonymous, no registration is needed. For private purchases and activities, we are integrating zk-snarks. A technology that allows for untraceable transactions.


Droplet is a cryptocurrency, the blockchain secures the network and allows for trustless use of Droplet as a currency.

Why Blockchain?

  • The blockchain is an uninterruptible and immutable database.
  • Proof of Existence
  • Proof of Non Existence
  • Order
  • Time
  • Identity
  • Ownership
  • Authorship


  • PERFORMANCE - Droplet is currently a token on the Ethereum blockchain, therefore it has identical performance as Ether. Transaction speed: 10 seconds, transactions per second: 15, transaction fees: 0.7 USD worth of Ether.(incoming upgrade to the Ethereum network will improve transactions per second and lower the fees significantly). More about Ethereum
  • IDEOLOGY - Our ideology and the concept of Droplet is to gather enthusiasts and create a community where ideas, suggestions & proposals are taken seriously. We will create a system where Droplet tokens can be used to vote up or down on proposals and to create proposals. We want to solve issues that are among all cryptocurrencies, we want to create a community for the blockchain & cryptocurrency space in general, and not just for one currency, but for all.   Community
  • FLEXIBILITY - How Droplet will scale and when. Droplet will convert to its own blockchain in 2019, from there we will implement numerous of features & find the best scaling solution available or develop our own. More about current blockchain limitations

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